Thursday, December 6, 2007

Getting in Touch

The email account listed on this blog is set up specifically for this purpose and for people to send their email address to if they would like to post on this blog. Also, any other questions or concerns that you would prefer not to appear on the blog should be sent to this address . Feel free to post what you have been up to, but of course please do not post addresses or phone numbers on this site! Happy blogging!


The Jenks Fam said...

Ash- I didn't realize the gmail account was for the addresses. I thought it was just to email if you wanted to be included to blog on this blog. My bad! :)ace

B said...

Hello everyone. Brooke Baker here. I just got the blog address from Brook-thank you-so I thought I'd check it out. I'm glad to see that we have a spot to come to see how everyone is. Let me know if there is anything I can help with. I already gave Brook an idea for a location. So keep me posted. If anyone is interested I have a blog too: come say hi. oh...I see Crystal Burgess and Queenie every week so I'll pass along the blog.